Remembering Your Ancestral Fire book

$30.00 (tax incl.)
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*if you’d prefer to purchase the book via Venmo or Zelle, I take Venmo via @M-Taylor-18 and Zelle via – $37 is good for shipping within the U.S. – be sure to send me your mailing address if you do this!! For my friends outside of the US, email me at and we can figure it out!*

After many years of meandering through the process of creaing my first book, Covid isolation provided time and focus to finally finish!
In my own words “…writing [Remembering Your Ancestral Fire] has been a way to make sense out of those things I cannot escape. It is the result of many years of experiences, sitting at the feet of African Masters, trips around the world, sharing stories, composing “Africanesque” folktales, and making observations…it is defintely not just about the West African djembe drum.”

I hope you enjoy!

M Taylor

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